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Running a Video Conference with Confidence

April 7, 1:00 – 2:00 PM
Online Discussion

In this interactive webinar, we’ll share 5 key strategies to confidently run an effective video conference for clarity of communication, team cohesion, morale, and more. No fee.


In the wake of the coronavirus and sudden need for individuals and teams to work remotely, people are being forced out of their comfort zones and learning to use video conferencing for regular communication. Unfortunately, lack of strategy and skill for running video meetings can make for an experience that is both inefficient and painful, and reflects badly on leadership.

That’s why we’re offering a solution!

In this interactive webinar you’ll learn the secrets to:

  1. Mindset and getting over the fear/discomfort of “I don’t like looking at myself on camera”
  2. Technology – the importance of good camera angles and proper mic use
  3. Do’s and don’ts of screen-sharing, creating PPT slides to maximize engagement, etc.
  4. Sounding natural rather than canned, especially if you have to do any asynchronous video recordings (e.g. news blasts to a larger audience that they’ll watch at their convenience rather than live)
  5. Maximizing engagement by setting behavioral expectations and managing participation for overall effectiveness.

There will be lots of time for Q&A so we can address whatever is your greatest concern and challenge about video conferences.